Monday, February 2, 2015

Steinecker | Gorgeous Wedding Dresses & Ball Gowns

Happy Monday everyone! So over the weekend i lost myself a little bit on Pinterest which actually happens not that often. Don’t get me wrong, i think this plattform is amazing for inspiration and finding beautiful images all over the way but i’m definitely not that type of girl who spends hours pinning and creating new boards. But i have to say without Pinterest i wouldn’t have discovered this amazing picture or to be more accurate, this stunning dresses by Ralph Lauren. Especially the one in the middle made my heart skip a beat which would be (in my opinion) the perfect option for a really casual and hippie-inspired wedding which leads me to the actual intention of this post.

So I’ve recently had the pleasure to browse through the Wedding Store Steinecker which opened about a few months ago and offers a huge range of prestigious wedding dresses, formal wear and also glittery and dramatic ball gowns from long to short! If you guys follow me on Instagram you would probably have seen a few glimpes of this store 3 months ago when me and my partner in crime Edisa got the chance to choose some dresses for our Silhouette Photoshoot for StyleguideTV – ( remember that). Unfortunatley we didn’t get the chance to explore every little corner but today i can finally show a few treasures i stumbeld across and truly they have wedding gowns for every taste and budget and i can only imagine how stressfull it can be when you’re on the hunt fort he perfect dress!  

* in lovely cooperation with Steinecker 


  1. wow it must be so much fun to browse through all these gorgeous gowns and try them on :) I guess it's almost every girls dream to do this at least once in a lifetime. Can't wait to see how you look in these pretty pieces


  2. Wedding Feeling! :)

    Liebe Grüße


  3. Very nice blog your wedding gowns was really awesome thanks for sharing it.

  4. The decor at this place is absolutely beautiful. In terms of decor, this is definitely a big step above a typical wedding venue. banquet halls in Chicago are spacious, breathable, and absolutely glowing. They can bring in an open bar as well into this place.

  5. Threr a nice strapless wedding dressesi want to share with you, it looks so nobel and elegant, it is very suitable and fashion.

