Over 3 months ago i’ve been to Verona for the second time in my life! I have to say that whenever i’m in Italy it always feels like home. Besides my love for the architecture, the language, and the food i am truly a fan of the italian way of life. It’s about taking time for the beautiful things in life. That’s why i decided to take a break from the big city life and come to Salzburg for a couple of days in order toi enjoy the beautiful countryside where i grew up and spend some time with my family! I don’t often get the chance to be super spontanous and visit my hometown on a regular basis but since i realized that a had a little gap til the next job in Vienna i thought – why not. So here i am back where i started my blog more than 8 years ago and taking a little break from my everday life. I am more than happy that i finally found the time ro recharge my batteries and enjoy life without those hectic moments.

MANGO: Overall
NO NAME: Shades
PHOTOGRAPHY: Raphaela from Heartblood
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