When i started my blog 7 years ago i was one of those girls who were on the same mission – finding a place where you can share
your style and create content that inspires others to express their creativity.
Over the years i realized that all of a sudden it became more – it turned into
a business but more than that something that not only helped me to define my fashion
style but also finding me as a person personally and professionally. Through
blogging i found the courage to take action and become self employed not only
with my blog but also as a videographer and photographer - which i rarley mention
on my blog.
I guess a lot of people don’t see the progress that is going on behind a
self created website or running a business – because there is more than just
creating beautiful images or attening one event after another. Especially when
it comes to blogging most of us share only the beautiful things in life but
behind all that we all have those moments without glamour and duties that a
lot of us have to deal with. Each year brings challenges and problems we would
all love to avoid but in all honesty i think each lessons will shape us to the
person we obviously need to be.

We achieved certain goals, dreams and plans we had been working on that obviously
inlcluding ups and downs but when ever i get to chat with my blogger colleges we often find ourselves sharing the same experiences to a ceratin degree - because by the end of the day each of us
is different – which leads me to the latest statement of the collaboration between the fashion
label True You and Toyota (promoting their model Toyota C-HR) ‚Not everyone has
my style – which is a good thing. It’s all about being individual, being who
you are and live the way as you want – which also resembles the parallels between these two brand. Both not only used be the underdogs in their fields
but also decided to distance themselves from the mainstream with its positive
approach towards sustainability and created something for a new target group
(definitely check out their latest video down below where you can spot me as well.) I guess a lot of us can relate to
that. I remember the time back in 2010 or somthing when i created my site
‚Fashiontweed’ and a few people in my personal enviroment found it strange what
i was doing (uploading images of myself etc.) and some of them were even
talking behind my back but as long as you learn to listen to yourself and what
you want to do everything can turn into something – and in all honesty you can
get distracted by others and start overthink what your doing but never quit
something that brings you joy. Sometimes you need to step outside, clear your
head and remind your self who you are. Speaking of that i created this look which features a piece (top) of the latest collection by True You interpreted in my personal way.
* friendly cooperation with True You & Toyota
interesting to read some personal and inspirational thoughts in a mainly flash-light focused sector.