Sunday, December 21, 2014

Let's Celebrate!!!

Wow  - it  seems like this month is really dedicated to Christmas – i’ve done so many Christmas related posts and projects that i never thought that i will enjoy this time of the year that much.  So when Zalando asked me if i wanted to show off my Christmas Outfit i thought that this would be the icing on the top. So if you follow my social media  you’ve probalbly seen that i’ve been on a little road trip last week and somehow i knew that i will probably find the perfect scenery to capture my choosen look – and yes i was right. While i experienced a really exciting journey (quite traditional i would say) i luckily got the chance to shoot right in the middle of the Mountains of Carinthia – cats included (since i’m such an animal lover i have to say this was probably the best part of it). I opted for a more casual outfit instead of a glamourous one because honestly i like to have it a little bit more comfortable during Christmas Eve. The highlight of this ensemble is defintily the blue coat and i’m super happy that i finally stepped out of my comfort and choose color over neutral!

So if you also want to step out of your comfort zone i’ve got something for you. The lovely people of Zalando have provided my lovely readers a chance to win a € 100 shopping voucher! The only thing you’ll have to do is pretty easy! Just tell me what is your perfect Christmas Outfit and leave your E-Mail down below and i will announce the Winner next Sunday! Make sure to check out DariaDaria, Beeswonderland & Provinzkindchen in order to extend your chance to win! Along these lines i wish you good luck, and of course happy holidays!


  1. Hallo,
    das perfekte Weihnachtsoutfit für mich ist chic und bequem. Also gern eine feine Bluse, darüber ein klassischer Strickpulli, dazu eine enge Stoffhose.
    Liebe Grüße,

  2. Liebste Sonja,
    superschöne Bilder!
    Eines meiner liebsten Weihnachtsoutfit ist ein weinrotes Spitzenkleid, kombiniert mit einem tannengrünen Cropped-Sweater, schwarzen Boots und schwarzen Strümpfen.

    Ich wünsche Dir ein wunderschönes Weihnachtsfest im Kreise Deiner Lieben!
    Alles Liebe, Corinna

  3. wunderschön! mein perfektes weihnachtsoutfit glitzert auf jeden fall, aber es soll trotzdem ein bisschen bequem sein, vor allem beim bauch rum, damit man ganz viel von omas keksen naschen kann ;) lg carina

  4. My perfect Christmas Eve outfit
    Before dinner: Midi-Skirt, red Cashmere sweater (cropped), black tights, red coat and minimum jewelry this year (small pearl earrings and some delicate bangles)
    After dinner: immediately change to old jogpants (due to massive amounts of food and drinks) and old shirt
    Happy holidays!
    xoxo Dani

  5. Happy holidays! You are really beautiful!!!!! Love your outfit soooooooooooooo much!!!!!!

  6. Der Mantel ist echt schön!
    Mein perfektes ist ein Midi-Tüllrock in creme, ein dunkler Kaschmir Pullover und dazu eine Statement Kette


  7. my perfect xmas outfit was a tim labenda leather pants - a fine silk blouse - lace underneath and ankle boots + a lot
    of silvers on my arm :-*
    happy holidays Süsse!

