While searching for new locations for the
blog i thought that it was about time to switch things up and start to look out
for a different spot! As a fashionblogger i usually tend to stay in my comfort
zone and capture my "daily" outfits right on the streets but when you
get the cance to shoot on a rooftop you probably won't say no! Even though it was a
little bit scary in the beginning
it was such a nice experience that me realize how much i love this city!
So after the little preview on my instagram i can finally show you the rest of
the pictures and big thanks to Julie who became my partner in crime over the
last few weeks!!

ZARA: pants, blazer, boots / H&M: top
/ VINTAGE: hat
Das 1. Bild ist ja der Hammer!
ReplyDeleteDie Boots gefallen mir super gut!
Liebe Grüße,
Verena von www.whoismocca.com
Die Fotos sind unfassbar schön geworden. Mir ist beim ansehen kurz das Herz stehen geblieben. plus you're a stunner !
ReplyDeleteWow - was für ein Feedback! Freut mich voll!!
That place looks amazing.
ReplyDelete...it was breathtaking!!!
DeleteWOW, tolle Bilder! :)
Great backdrop. Love your hat too.
ReplyDeleteLuxx Mint
Super Location und tolles Outfit
ReplyDeleteLiebe Grüße Steffi von coffeeblackandmilkwhite.blogspot.com
Großartige Bilder!
ReplyDeleteUnd das perfekte Outfit für die Location!
Lieben Gruß,
You look so cool. like your style.