Whenever i put
an outfit together i realize that nine times out of ten i chose to wear new pieces – but what about the „older“ ones. I’ve accumulated a lot of
clothes over the last 3 or 4 years. I still do like them, ok there are also
some party dresses i won’t wear during the daytime, but i thought i should incorporate them more often into my current wardrobe and this is also a good way
to look through your whole closet and answer yourself a couple of question.... why don’t i wear this? is this still my
style or size? will i ever be wearing this again? how can i combine this garment to make it wearable... or
should i get rid off it and wait for the next fleamarket for selling?
Once you’ve started you will so many options to create new looks – and this is
actually what i did last week. Instead
of wearing the same new pieces over and over again i chose to give my old burgundy dress and a five
year old white baroque styled blouse a second chance. So what about you – have
you started something similar?

ZARA: boots /
bag / dress (old)
VINTAGE: watch
/ belt